Winter writing paper
Biography Paper Topic Proposal
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ole Mac Essay Example For Students
Ole Mac Essay I live near a town called, Hot Coffee, somewhere around the Mississippi River with my family on a little homestead. I have two siblings and one sister. At the point when we return home from school we have errands hanging tight for us. My task is to take care of chickens and gather the eggs for Mama. My more established sibling Bobby, slashes wood for our warmth and cooking. Mike, the most youthful sibling is ten and the sharpest of us kids. Well at any rate we thought he was. His activity is taking care of the donkey Ole Mac. Ole Mac is nine years of age and the best donkey Daddy at any point had. Daddy talked well of Mac, about how solid he is, and that he is so natural to furrow. Daddy is continually saying best darn donkey in the area. Macintosh stands 14 hands tall and 4 feet over the back. He is the greatest donkey Ive ever observed, and as indicated by Daddy he is likewise the most brilliant. One day Mike dropped by the chicken coop originating from the horse shelter with a major grin. Why you grinning Mike? I approached opening the coop entryway heading for the house as well. Goodness nothin, nothin by any means. He said with that large smile. Goodness please what's going on here? Nothin I said and disregard me. He said running in front of me toward the house. Here you are Mama. I said giving her the ten eggs Id gathered. Not terrible Jimbo. I cherished my Mama more than anything, yet I wished she would quit calling me Jimbo. On the off chance that she kept it up everyone would begin doing it. She blended my hair seeing my scowl, she radiated and stated, Sorry I mean James. I grinned at her, Thanks Mama. You go wash up for dinner now. Your daddy will be in from the fields soon. Alright. I said going down the foyer to the washroom. I could hear her conversing with Mike. Kid, what on the planet are you so upbeat about. Nothin Ma, Im just smilen. Cant I grin? Kid, when you grin, I get stressed. Goodness Ma, I aint done nothin for you to stress over. I could hear the grin in his voice. I dont realize what Mike did, yet I knew it wasnt great. Mike was a brilliant child, however here and there he was unreasonably savvy to his benefit. Bobby was the most established, at 14 an a half as he called himself. He wasnt the most splendid kid youd need to meet, yet at 14 and standing 510 all muscle, and let me state this no one at school said a cross word to him. His size likewise helped Mike and me, since they realized Bobby would go to our guide. On the ends of the week marry go to the fields with Daddy, and digger the corn. That season Kekulebusrs were terrible. The Kekulebur is a plant that turns around the corn and executes it. So we needed to make war on them consistently during the developing season. Bobby would accomplish double crafted by Mike and me. Daddy was glad for every one of us, which he revealed to all of us the time. We realized he had more pride for Bobby, on account of the work he could do. I heard Daddy disclose to Bobby one day hed make a decent rancher. He never said that to Mike or me, yet Mike was acceptable at his school fill in as I might have been. Bobby could scarcely peruse or compose, yet he was a conceived rancher and he adored it. We heard Daddy coming in on the grounds that Ole Mac was causing his standard to slash hawing sound realizing he was going to be taken care of. I went out onto the yard and watched Daddy taking the outfit off Ole Mac. Daddy waved for me to go to the horse shelter. I recognized what he needed me for. Two times per week Ole Mac gets a brush down. Daddy said brushing help keep the takes off Ole Macs posterior. We generally chuckled when he said that. It wasnt what he said it was the manner in which he said it. That was one thing Daddy can do, he made every one of us giggle. James, you overcome brushing Mac put him in his slow down. Dont take too long brushing him or hellfire nibble you. Ole Macs hungry and aint going to stand by long. Alright Daddy Ill be snappy. With a grin Daddy stated, You better or Mac will remove a lump from your arm. He said giggling toward the tack live with the saddle. Daddy consistently soaped the outfit once per week. He said it shielded the cowhide from splitting. You completed at this point? Daddy inquired. Indeed sir, Im done. Very much put Mac into his slow down and let him eat, and you get to the house so we can have our dinner. Indeed sir, Ill be there ASAP. I drove Ole Mac into his slow down and he went directly to his trough. I watched him for only a second. He stuck his head down into the trough and afterward pulled it back rapidly. I figured I ought to go in and check his feed yet Ive seen rodents get into the trough previously and Ole Mac would run them out with no issue. So imagining that it was a rodent I made a beeline for the house for dinner and contemplated it. What we eating this evening Mama? I asked pulling the cover off the stew pot. Kid, you know not to do that. Where you been at any rate? I thought you were in your live with your siblings doing schoolwork. I was down in the animal dwellingplace brushing Ole Mac. Well you better go wash up once more. Dinner will be on the tab le in one moment. Alright. I said by and by going down the lobby to wash my hands. James. Did Ole Mac begin eating? Daddy solicited coming out from the unrivaled restroom every one of the six of us needed to utilize. No sir I think there was a rodent in his feed trough. Ole Mac realizes how to deal with a little rodent. Truly sir, he does Ive seen him get them and nibble them directly fifty-fifty. I feel sorry for any rodent that annoys Macs food. Daddy said with a grin. You hustle just a bit now before all the food is no more. You know how your siblings are about squirrel hash. Squirrel hash? Oh rapture we havent had that in quite a while. James, you like anything your Mother makes. Daddy said with a pat to my shoulder. I got to the table not long before Daddy asked the gift, which he accomplished for each dinner. Pam my sister and Mama got up after the gift to acquire the stew pot of squirrel hash. Pam removed the cover of the pot and the smell was superb. Schindler’S List Essay PaperIm not distraught at you. Assuaged I went to the tack room and found the mallet. I need you to proceed to get Mike at the present time. He transformed returning into Macs slow down. As I was setting off to the house for Mike I heard some pounding in the horse shelter. I thought it amusing for Daddy to begin building something after hed been in the fields throughout the day. Mike was in our room getting his work done. Daddy needs to see you in the horse shelter. I saw Mikes face go white. Whats Daddy need with me? Mike said getting up and strolling to the window looking toward the stable. I dont know, however he sure looked irate. Really? Mike said heading for the room entryway. Will you accompany me? Mike inquired. For what reason do you need me with you? Goodness never, mind. Sick pass without anyone else. I could see Mike must be in a difficult situation so I went with him. At the point when we got to the horse shelter, the pounding had halted. Da ddy did you need to see me? Mike asked in a blameless voice. I do youngster. Come into the slow down I need to ask you an inquiry. Mike took a gander at me and opened the slow down entryway. I strolled in directly behind him. Ole Mac was in another slow down eating like Id never observed Mac eat. He ate like he was famished. Daddy was remaining close to the trough. Daddy asked Mike, Did you feed Mac yesterday? Mike took a gander at the trough and stated, Yes sir I did. Daddys face went red out of nowhere. Kid, what were you considering? Daddy shouted. I dont know. Mike said practically crying. I didnt comprehend what was happening. You realize you could have murdered Ole Mac. He encourages this family to get by, and you pretty much murdered him. What do you have to state for yourself? Mike was currently crying and he rambled out, Im sorry Daddy I didnt figure it would hurt for some time. Wouldnt hurt? You could have starved Ole Mac to death. That Ole donkey buckles down ordinary, an d the main thing he gets is his feed, and you toke that away from him. Im sorry Daddy I didnt consider that. Daddy strolled nearer to Mike. Mike upheld up deduction Daddy was going to hit him. Daddy halted directly before him and stated, Dont stress child Im not going to hit you, however I figure you will wish I had. For the following a half year, youll not just feed Mac youll likewise brush him down regular. You will likewise cleanser the tackle once per week. On the ends of the week you won't go angling or chasing, in light of the fact that youll be excessively bustling working. Youll do all the tasks with the exception of hacking wood. Do you comprehend what Im saying? Mike with his head down and as yet crying stated, Yes sir, I comprehend. All things considered, Mike and Daddy saw, yet I didnt. Daddy left the slow down with his hand on Mikes shoulder. It had something to do with Ole Macs feed. I took a gander at the trough, and couldnt see whatever would clarify what was happeni ng. I bowed down and looked under the trough and incredibly observed twenty heads of 16 penny nails standing out of the base of the trough. That was what the pounding was about, Daddy had driven the nails out of the trough. Mike had stuck nails up into the trough so Ole Mac couldnt eat, thus he wouldnt need to take care of Ole Mac regular. Mike wasnt as shrewd as he suspected he might have been.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Altarpiece of Saint Peter :: essays papers
The Altarpiece of Saint Peter Workmanship is a window to the past and there is no spot other than the numerous galleries of the reality where this is all the more emphatically felt. All the more explicitly, it is additionally observed through Martin de Soria's work, The Altarpiece of Saint Peter, which was finished around 1480. As indicated by the board close to the altarpiece in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the piece is a gigantic work of gum based paint on board with material ground; it is a normal Spanish altarpiece of the medieval period and is included an intricate course of action of twenty-six canvases. This piece was picked as an agent of the medieval period since its accentuation is put completely on religion, the style with which it was painted and brightened is massively normal for the medieval period, lastly the work of art delineates the financial province of Europe undoubtedly during that time. The piece was picked essentially in view of the radiant nearness that is felt as one goes into the room, or church, where the piece might be found. The watcher's eye is attracted quickly to the focal figure of Saint Peter who was situated as pope at that point. Giving the primary focal point of the work to the pope is illustrative of the significance that was put on the ecclesiastical seat. This significance was exemplified, during the hour of this current altarpiece's creation, by the emergency of the Great Schism. Besides, a scene of Christ's execution can be seen legitimately over the board of Saint Peter further underlining the significance of Christ in the work of art, and in the medieval timeframe also. By and large, the piece delineates four pictures from the life of Saint Peter, which encompass the middle board on the left and the correct sides. Likewise, scenes from the lives of the Virgin Mary and St. Blaise, a fourth century saint, are likewise present. All the characters in the boards pretty much have radiances and along these lines are heavenly figures. The twelve missionaries line the base of the boards, maybe proposing that they were the establishment of the Catholic religion. Fundamentally, the work of art is intended for a congregation raised area, it has strict figures in it, and it is loaded up with Bibles and pictures of Christ's execution. The entirety of this transfers a solid message to the watcher this is what is significant throughout everyday life; one should give close consideration to religion and have regard for it.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Exposure Therapy Is Hard for Introverts With Anxiety
Exposure Therapy Is Hard for Introverts With Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Why Exposure Therapy May Be Harder for Introverts With Social Anxiety By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on August 12, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Sean Malyon / Getty Images Social anxiety and introversion are not the same things, no matter how much public perception may sway you to think so. Differences Between Introversion and Social Anxiety People who are socially anxious may dread social and performance situations for days or weeks prior to them happening, avoid these situations in such a manner that it interferes with daily life (thinkâ€"afraid to go grocery shopping, attend a class, or even go outside of home), and generally have negative cognitions (in laymans terms, thoughts) about themselves and their abilities to navigate the social world. In contrast, the definition of introversion has nothing to do with being anxious, fearful, or self-berating. Introverts can be quite confident in their own quiet and low-key way. They may become easily overloaded by external stimulation, which can cause them to retreat from social situationsâ€"but its not to run to the bathroom and beat themselves up for all their social missteps. Rather, they might escape to read a good book, be alone with their thoughts, or simply be content with quiet. It gets interesting, however, when social anxiety and introversion collide. Introversion and Social Anxiety Combined Imagine for a moment that no matter how hard you try, you just cant get yourself to like a certain food. Then also imagine that you happen to also be allergic to that food. You arent particularly bothered by the fact that you cant eat the food because anytime that you have eaten it, you havent enjoyed it anyway. Thats a bit how it is for those socially anxious introverts. They dont particularly want to be the life of the party, the social butterfly, or the late-night partier. They also may prefer a job that allows them to sit quietly all day pondering lifes deep problems rather than interacting with customers, giving presentations, or supervising others. At the same time, their natural desire to spend time alone makes it very difficult to expose themselves to the situations that cause anxiety. The question isâ€"does it matter? Motivation to Change Does it matter if you live in a cave and never leave if you are more content inside the cave than you would be on the outside? Susan Cain, author of the groundbreaking book Quiet would argue that we should nurture the introverts just as they are and provide them with supportive school and work environments. In Eastern cultures, compared to Western cultures, more value is placed on reticent personalities, and gregariousness is not the norm. Are we expecting our socially anxious introverts to measure up to a cultural ideal that does not necessarily translate into success for them as individuals? Coping With Introversion/Social Anxiety If we tease apart the two parts of the equation, it may be easier to come up with an answer to this riddle. Because we know what is needed for introversion and what is needed for social anxiety. It looks a bit like this. The introvert needs time away from social stimulation in order to gain energy. We dont fault the introvert for needing this downtime because it is understood to reflect a fundamental part of their physical makeup. As Cain points out based on her research, introverts experience stimuli more strongly, which is why they need to take a break. The person with social anxiety disorder, on the other hand, should not escape social situations in the same manner as the person with introversion, because when the anxiety subsides after having left the troublesome situation, the person believes that the only solution to rising anxiety is to escape. Butâ€"would the introverts overstimulation eventually subside if he just stayed in the situation long enough? More likely, his mood would deteriorate and his functioning decline. So, if you are both introverted and socially anxious, remaining in those social and performance situations long enough that the anxiety subsides might be great for improving your social anxiety, but what about that pesky underlying introversion? If you get to the point that giving a speech in front of your peers doesnt leave your hands trembling, mouth dry, and heart-pounding out of your chestâ€"but you still feel mentally drained after every presentation that you giveâ€"have you won? Can you ever be as comfortable onstage as someone whose neurological make-up has them seeking sensation at every turn? Career Paths and Introversion/Social Anxiety In fact, many actors claim to be introverts, such as Julia Roberts and Robert Deniro; that doesnt mean that they are also socially anxious, but rather that they prefer time alone and deep thought to casual conversation. On the other hand, there are some celebrities who inexplicably do fall into that category of person who is both introverted and socially anxious. The question naturally becomes, why did they choose the limelight if the limelight hurts their eyes? Zack Greinke is one example; a baseball player who knows that he thinks too much and has also been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder: Baseball is a sport where being stupid and keeping things really simple a lot of times is the right way to do things ... there were guys I played with that were so stupid that theyre really good because their mind never gets in the way. Defining Goals to Define Treatment The answer perhaps lies in defining your life goals, dreams, ambitions, desiresâ€"and determining what you need to do to achieve them. Greinke wanted to be a professional baseball player in spite of his introversion and social anxiety. Do you want something so much that you would work against your natural nature to attain it? If the answer is yes, then you may have your why to explain the seeming conflict between your comfort zone and where you choose to place yourself. Getting back to the escape/avoidance example, is it possible to challenge your social anxiety while respecting your introverted nature? And do current treatment options take this into account? Or is it a one-size-fits-all approach to social anxiety treatment, whether your natural nature (minus the anxiety disorder) would be to dance at parties with lampshades on your head or sit quietly at the library while feeling calm. Perhaps this is even reflected in the fear hierarchies that we write? Fear Hierarchies Re-Evaluated If youve ever read a self-help book on social anxiety disorder, you will know that a fear hierarchy is a list of 10 or so fearful situations, progressing from least anxiety-provoking to most anxiety-provoking, which you must work through, either in-vivo (in real life) or in your imagination, either on your own or with the help of a therapist, until you are able to experience each event without experiencing distress or anxiety. Should the fear hierarchies of introverts and extroverts look the same or different? Are we all climbing the same ladder toward success? What do you define as success? A Homework Exercise for Defining Goals As an exercise in defining your goals, answer these questions for yourself in order to suss out what you truly need to achieve in treatment for social anxiety disorder: Do you consider yourself to be introverted, extroverted, or somewhere in the middle?What are your dreams, goals, aspirations, and hopes when it comes to your personal life?What are your dreams, goals, aspirations, and hopes when it comes to your career?Do these career and life aspirations match up with your natural level of introversion/extroversion? What you will notice about each of these points is that they have nothing to do with social anxiety itselfâ€"that is a given. If we start with the assumption that everyone entering treatment has a certain level of impaired functioning due to social anxiety, then the next step is simply to tailor treatment to ones level of introversion/extroversion. And this does not have to be difficult, it may just involve a few tweaks. Examples of Tailored Treatment Lets look at a few hypothetical examples: 1) Imagine that you consider yourself to be an introvert, who dreams of long one-on-one conversations with close friends, and a job as a museum curator involving detail-oriented work with some public interaction. 2) Imagine that you are an extrovert trapped by your social anxiety. You dream of doing stand-up comedy but feel queasy each time you step on stage. You are energized by the crowd but your social anxiety is holding you back. As you can see, the plan for exposure therapy may be quite different if you are an introvert or extrovert. The person in example one would likely have a fear hierarchy filled with social interactions while the person in example two would be working through performance anxiety fears. In other words, treatment for social anxiety can (and should) be tailored to your unique circumstances. Common Approaches This discussion, of course, leaves out medication treatment and other cognitive-behavioral therapy approaches such as disputing irrational thoughts, which would equally apply to both introverts and extroverts. So the question remains: If you find yourself filled with social anxiety in a social situation as an introvertâ€"do you escape to honor your introversion or stay to challenge your social anxiety? Truthfully, you may have to disregard your introversion for a while, just long enough to build the confidence you need to overcome your social anxiety. Then you may be able to return to your little corner of the world and enjoy the quiet. Your struggle may be greater than those extroverts who will challenge their fears daily because they simply enjoy being around people that much more. At the same time, remember that they are facing their own battles, living with two very disparate parts of themselves that must be in constant opposition. At least if you leave the party because of your social anxiety, your introversion will thank you for it.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Khaled Hosseini s Life And Life - 1947 Words
Biography: Khaled Hosseini was born in 1965, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hosseini’s mother worked as a teacher at the local high school in Kabul, while is father worked as a diplomat for the Afghan Foreign Ministry. Hosseini’s father, Nasser Hosseini, in 1970 was assigned to Iran, where his whole family would up and follow him to Tehran where they lived until 1973. Another large even happened in 1973, this is the same year that the Afghan king, Zahir Shah, was overthrown leaving the country â€Å"vulnerable†, and the government â€Å"unstable†. Three years later, 1976, Hosseini’s father was changes diplomatic duties, and was moved to Paris. The family of Hosseinis’ lived there though 1980, when Afghanistan had fallen under communism. By the time the†¦show more content†¦These two friends are separated by the Soviet invasion that happened in 1979. Amir and Hassan had a common love, and bonded over kite fighting. Eventually Amir escapes to California during this time, where he became a successful writer, and eventually gets married. Fifteen years after Amir gets married, he gets a call telling him to return to Kabul, where he would go to rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab. He also finds out that Hassan and himself are half brothers, and that Hassan and his wife were killed bu the emergent Taliban government. Amir goes back to Kabul, and save Sohrab and takes him back to his house in California, where the two eventually connected and bonded over kites, just like him and Hassan did. 1st comparison- Socioeconomics: The largest culture aspect that is shown in the book the Kite Runner is the socioeconomic differences between ethnic groups. An example of this from the book is the difference between Pashtun’s and the Hazara’s. A Pashtun is a group predominantly an Eastern Iranin person, who used Pashto as their first lunges, and they live in Pakistan and Afghanistan. While a Hazara is a Shi’a Muslim, and has a small part with in Afghanistan. There is a conflict through out the whole book because Amir and Baba are Pashtun, and Hassan and Ali are Hazara, this is a conflict because the large difference between the groups. Hosseini does a very good jobShow MoreRelatedClass Inequality In The Kite Runner1320 Words  | 6 Pageswhether it be be a person s race, belonging to a certain religious or ethnic group, or social status. It shouldn’t be that way, but that’s the predicament that society finds itself in. In the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini these prob lems are evident throughout the book. Taking place in war torn Afghanistan and the safe haven of the United States, Amir and his father Baba face the struggle of transitioning from the upper class lifestyle in Afghanistan to the life of middle class in AmericaRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Kite Runner1090 Words  | 5 Pagesfaced with an obstacle they must overcome, ultimately defining their morals and values. In the literature perspective, the novel The Kite Runner delivers multiple thematic ideas that portray the struggles of characters in their ordinary lives. Khaled Hosseini, author and physician, released his debut novel The Kite Runner in the year of 2003. This novel is written in the first person narration of Amir, a Pashtun boy that lives with his father whom he addresses as â€Å"Baba†in a large estate in Kabul,Read MoreKhaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner1679 Words  | 7 Pages Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, on March 4th 1965. Hosseini s homeland was the inspiration for his novel, The Kite Runner, which gave his readers a taste of what Afghanistan was before the brutal invasions of the Taliban. He spent his early childhood living in Tehran, Iran, where he befriended his family s cook. The unexpected friendship between a young Afghan and a member of the Hazara ethnic group exposed Hosseini to the acts of injustice against minority groups in AfghanistanRead MoreAnalysis Of Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner 1256 Words  | 6 PagesRunner’, by Khaled Hosseini, occur where authority has been mistaken for enormity. Baba s expectations out of Amir and his tactics of dominance towards making Amir into someone he desires, is the power, mistook as magnitude. Also, the element that baba was sexually convoluted with Ali s wife, but had the capacity to keep it concealed and buried for long, is the power, of power. Furthermore, how Amir takes advantage of him being superior in terms of society s perception, over Has san s generous andRead MoreReader Response For The Kite Runner1348 Words  | 6 PagesReader Response for The Kite Runner Section 1- Writing Style: Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner, is most definitely different than other authors. He uses strong, detailed words that may be difficult, at some points, to understand. His use of vocabulary is rather challenging for me. The more use of challenging vocabulary, in my opinion, makes the book even more interesting. Now, I’m not a big fan of reading, but after reading this book, I had found an interest in reading more challengingRead MoreExamples Of Vanity In The Kite Lear1424 Words  | 6 Pagesfor a person to feel pride without their cultures ethics. In the Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini tells the story of a young Afghan boy, Amir, whose childhood interactions with his father and Pashtun culture shape his moral compass. Vanity especially influences his desires to achieve through the fulfillment of his father s expectations as well as Pashtunwali, the set of social norms set for Pashtuns. Through Amir, Hosseini demonstrates that vanity is something that shapes people i n their childhood, eventuallyRead MoreEssay about Characters of The Kite Runner854 Words  | 4 PagesPublished by Riverhead Books in 2003, Khaled Hosseini wrote The Kite Runner, a powerful story of love, fear, friendship, redemption, and the reality of the cruel world we live in. In this tale, you develop a personal relationship with the characters as you feel their emotions. Khaled Hosseini brings his characters to life eloquently. The relationship between son and father, rich and poor, countryman and his country, Pashtun and Hazara, friend and brother, andRead MoreAnalysis Of Khaled Hosseini s A Thousand Splendid Suns 1657 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Khaled Hosseini and Marjane Satrapi know that there is more to the Middle East than terrorism. Khaled Hosseini demonstrates his understanding of Afghanistan through Mariam’s and Laila’s lives in A Thousand Splendid Suns. Hosseini begins their tale during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in the 1970’s and ties it off during the post-Taliban reconstruction of the early 2000’s. Hosseini himself was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and is a U.S. envoy to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)Read MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1339 Words  | 6 PagesEach child has the potential to be a police officer, a firefighter, or an astronaut. Although every destination in life is reachable, depending on the environment of the child, one might have to work harder than the other in order to reach it. Each environment creates a pathway of right or wrong in what the child should believe in, become, and achieve. In the Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini tells the story of a young Afghan boy, Amir, whose childhood interactions with his father and his Pashtun cultureRead MoreThe Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini1430 Words  | 6 Pagesthey have truly gained full control over their identity. In the Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini tells the story of a young Afghan boy, Amir, whose childhood interactions with his father and Pashtun culture shapes his moral compass. Vanity especially influences his desires to achieve through the fulfillment of his father s expectations as well as Pashtunwali, the set of social norms set for Pashtuns. Through Amir, Hosseini demonstrates that vanity is something that shapes people in their childhood,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Life of Susan Brownell Anthony Free Essays
She is a leader, an advocate, a reformist, an educational reformer, a labor activist, a seeker of justice, a fighter of freedom, a crusader, a humanitarian, a rebel and most of all, a woman of suffrage. Susan B. Anthony led the life of struggles as she pushed forth the rights of women as equal citizens, amidst the dominance governing of men of her time. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life of Susan Brownell Anthony or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Early Life Imagine a long line of Green Mountains, rushing streams tumbling through rocky gorges, beautiful meadows and forests, old bridges coupled with pleasantly old-fashioned farmhouses and roadways. This picturesque scenery is where Susan B. Anthony was born, a second child and second eldest to Daniel and Susan Read Anthony of Adams, Massachusetts on February 15, 1820. She grew up in the loving and welcoming arms of her mother and father. Although she lived in a somber and quiet home, theirs was a home filled with respect, affection and great comfort. Susan as a child is precocious, brimming with intelligence and life. At an early age of three she was taught to spell and read. She has great ambition and does things that are considered beyond a girl’s capacity. Her father, one of her greatest influences was as a manager of a milling company and an abolitionist enthusiast at that time. At the age of 10, she was permitted by her kind and charitable mother to accompany his father in his work and at the age of eleven was able to detect the injustice seen on women (Harper, 1969). She noticed a worker named Sally Ann who was exceptional in weaving not rising to a position of an overseer. A man named Elijah, who was the overseer at that time, kept going over to Sally Ann when dire situations come and in turn Sally Ann always manages to deliver and correct the problems. And so when she asked her father why ever Sally Ann never got the position as an overseer, he replied that it’s because she was a woman, the dissatisfaction of Susan grew up in a place filled with women. Most of the mill’s weavers were young girls and as custom, they reside with the millowner. Susan together with her mother took care of these women and cooks and packs a dinner pail for them. Education was very important in their household. When the family moved to Battenville, there is an old fashioned district school taught by a man in winter and a woman in summer, however their views on teaching a girl lessons that were never insisted upon her such as Mathematics pushed her father to build a private school employed with the best teachers and only admitted children willing to associate with his own. Girls were taught sewing, spelling as well as reading. Susan at the age of 15 became a teacher herself. This caused much debate from their neighbors for women are only employed or only work when situations are pressed upon them. In her time, women’s values as equals were ignored and the right to vote where given to a chosen few, however this was not the case in their household and Susan never forgot the mark that forever instilled her to fight. Issues of slavery also intermingle, she once heard her father saying never to buy cotton raised by slavery. She joined meetings and conferences along with her father by the time she was old enough and thus began her quest for freedom (Lutz, 1959). The Susan B. Anthony as an Abolitionist Members of Susan Anthony’s house during Sundays would meet at their farm where they were occasionally joined by Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison. In 1956 she became an agent of American Anti-Slavery Society wherein she’s active in conducting speeches and meetings. As a result she was mobbed, threatened. She was hung in effigy and her image was dragged around the streets. In 1963, together with her closest friend, Elizabeth Stanton that she met on 1951 created Women’s National Loyal League wherein they fought for the rights of Black women as full citizens by means of being allowed to vote. They were bitterly disappointed when their petition didn’t appear in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, however continued their campaign in her newspaper The Revolution that she herself is the editor and publisher. An Educational Reformer At the age of 26, Susan Anthony was the head of the girl’s department at Canajoharie Academy fro two years earning $110 a year. It was in 1953 that she called for a convention in which pinpoint the issues regarding better pay and positions for women. She reiterated that it should be so because men and women’s minds are of no difference so better opportunities should also be given to women ad ex-slaves such as education and equal treatment. One of her most memorable exploits was during the 1890’s, when she raised $50,000 to secure the admittance of women in the University of Rochester putting her life insurance policy in value to meet up the deadline. The said University was forced to submit due to their promise and as a result, during 1900’s women were admitted for the first time. As a Labor Activist In her paper, The Revolution she promoted the eight-hour day and equal pay for equal work which in turn promoted the purchasing of American-made goods and immigration in the South and resettle in the country. She encouraged women to form unions that will secure their right as workers and spearheaded the Workingwomen’s Central Association in 1970. As a Temperance Worker Her family always condemned the drinking of liquor. Back when she was a head of the girl’s department, she joined the Daughter of Temperance, a movement that notifies the public of the effects of liquor on families and campaigned for a law against it. There was a time when she had been refused to speak in a convention and in turn she walked out and held a convention of her own. Together with Elizabeth Stanton, she formed another organization and fought their way to the creation of laws against liquors. A Woman Suffragist and a Campaigner Anthony believed that in order for men and women to become equal, a necessity for women to be allowed to vote should be in order. It symbolizes the capacity for women to decide and at the same time be acknowledged of their worthiness. It was the onset of voting in 1872 that she defiantly casted her ballot in the presidential elections and was arrested because of it. In turn she denied that it wasn’t a crime and refused to pay for the penalty. She argued that she was merely exercising her right as a citizen of the country and recited the preamble of the federal constitution wherein she stressed that the citizens of the country, not white men or male men forms the union. It was in February 15, 1906, at the age of 86, Susan B. Anthony died. Ten thousand mourners grieved for her. In her later years she had extensively traveled the world seeking for woman empowerment. She was able to organize 48 countries with the same cause. It was 100 years after her birthday that 19th amendment was passed on, extending the rights of women to vote. A Conclusion In the end, it is safe to say that Susan B. Anthony is truly a woman ahead of her time. She might have lived a life full of struggles but she had lived on to the fullest. She had fought her way against the system in order to right what she thinks is an injustice. In the end, she is truly a hero and a martyr that maybe in one way or another, had not been not much credited upon. She is a symbol of truth and a mother of all women. She represents the women of today that now know how to fight for their rights. She had gone a long way but in the end, she fought hard and won hard. Her legend lives on as women continue to uphold their worth as women in the society, amidst the onslaught of injustices and oppression. The fight still continues as long as there are still those who suffer. References An Account of the Proceedings of the Trial of Anthony, on teh Charge of Illegal voting, at the Presidential Election in November, 1872. Rochester: Daily Democrat and Chronicle Book Print, 1872. Reprinted 2002 by The Lawbook Exchange Limited. Biography of Susan B. Anthony. Retrieved January 18, 2008 from http://www. susanbanthonyhouse. org/biography. shtml Harper, Ida Husted. (1969) Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony. New YorkL Arno, 1969. NOTES: Reprint of ten 1898-1908 ed. Holland, Patricia G. â€Å"Susan B. Anthony. †Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006. Linder. Doug (2001). The Trial of Susan B. Anthony for Illegal Voting. Retrieved January 18 2008 from http://www. law. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/anthony/sbaaccount. html Lutz, A. (1959). Susan B. Anthony: Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian. Zenger Publishing Co. Inc. Washington D. C. Susan B. Anthony. (2006). American Atheist. Retrieved January 18, 2008 from http://www. atheists. org/Atheism/roots/anthony/ How to cite The Life of Susan Brownell Anthony, Essays
Monday, May 4, 2020
Develop Organizational Marketing Objects †A Sample Case Study
Question: Discuss about the Develop Organizational Marketing Objects. Answer: Objectives of Cocoa Delights There are some marketing objectives that Cocoa Delights are planning to achieve. [1]They are one of the largesse selling premium chocolates brands in Australia. The objectives include the following: [2]They own 22 stores at present, and their aim is to open 100 stores in all parts of Australia They will think about franchising because it will be helpful in expanding the business within three years. Their focus is to encourage customers to become more health-conscious and for it, Cocoa Delights will propagate the benefits of eating dark chocolates They will not only expand in their business but also serve a wide range of dark chocolates for the customers. Meeting with the CEO The meeting with the CEO involved various issues related to franchising and joint ventures. The company is looking into the pros and cons of both joint ventures with Haighs Chocolates and franchising. After a detailed discussion, some points are brought to light: Franchising enables fast expansion of the business within three years. At present, this is the primary objective of the company. In that case, they will have to introduce different legal agreements for each store. It will generate large scale legal issues and eventually complicating the business environment. However, franchising can make the store managers happy. [3]The store managers of Cocoa Delights are dissatisfied because the company does not encourage them with financial rewards. Franchising will ensure rewards for hard working managers. Again, they can think about starting it from Sydney and then move into new places after they have gathered expected profit from Sydney. The company is also thinking on the conflicts that may occur with the introduction of franchising. The local business owners may involve into tussle with the interests of Cocoa Delights as a national brand. With franchising, the government compliances will be stricter than the previous. [4]It is found that Melb ourne stores are already providing easy marketing and they have accepted franchise sales. Now, it is important to analyze the proposal by Haighs Chocolates. Some facts are found which are as follows: [5]As a company Haighs Chocolates has mid-sized operations and that is also is some specific parts of the city. It is not a premium brand as Cocoa Delights and the target customers are not the economically affluent class. At present, they have stores in Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. Haighs Chocolates focuses on extensive advertising and any joint venture with them ensure that Cocoa Delights does not need to invest much for advertising. Whereas franchising can usher expansion within three years, the joint venture can take 5 to 7 years to reach the 100 stores target. Conflict of interests is another issue because both the companies are not similar. One is a premium chocolate brand and the other is a medium sized company serving the middle class customers. Cocoa Delights may get negative results from this joint venture as their brand name will be harmed. Cocoa Delights needs to share advertising space with Haighs Chocolates. It will not be effective for their business. One positive fact is that Cocoa Delights will be allowed by this joint venture to achieve market shares in other parts of Australia. They will get access to low cost media buys. Long-Term Strategic Objectives Before setting the long-term strategic objectives, it is important to conduct the SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis of the company is brings out the strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats of the company. Strengths: Cocoa Delights is a well-established brand in Australia. They are currently operating in 22 stores in the Melbourne. Weaknesses: [6]The target customers are economically affluent section of Australia. The high-price of the products is the reason that prevents expansion of the business to every parts of Australia. Opportunity: They can either start franchising or go for joint venture with Haighs Chocolates. However, franchising will enable fastest growth for them and therefore, they have the opportunity to expand with their business. Within three years the technological advancement will occur too. Threats: Dissatisfaction of the store managers is currently a big threat to the company. They do not get financial rewards and for that, they lack in commitment. The current operating environment of Cocoa Delights is also not very favorable. The technological advancement through broadband is delayed in Australia. Again, the government legislation will impose penalties if the companies do not emphasize on waste management and energy saving. Cocoa Delights need to focus on it too. The long-term objectives are as follows: Compatibility: Cocoa Delights is looking for fast growth. Their objective is to open 100 stores in every parts of Australia. Therefore, franchising is the best option. It will usher growth within three years, which is not possible through joint venture. [7]Joint venture will take 5- years. The company is not looking for such a slow growth. Again, the company wants to continue with fully-owned business structure which only franchising can do. Entering into joint venture can damage the brand name of Cocoa Delights as Haighs Chocolates operates in different market segment. Consistent: Cocoa Delights is facing employee dissatisfaction. The store managers are unhappy as they do not get financial rewards for their hard work. Franchising will ensure reward for them. Again, Melbourne is seen accepting the franchising concept and Cocoa Delights is operating successfully in Melbourne. They can think of expansion here with franchising. Equipped: Cocoa Delights has the ability to expand with franchising. They are focusing on variety of products and franchising will help to reach in larger section of the customers. [8]They will be able to use the broadband technology within three years and this will help the communication process. They can manage various procedures in all franchises and communicate with the managers after the technological advancement. Legals: [9]According to current government legislation, the company needs to focus on waste management and energy use, which Cocoa Delights can do cooperatively as soon as they enter into franchising that ensures financial support. References Bateman, Thomas S and Scott Snell, Management (McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013) Chernev, Alexander, Strategic Marketing Management (Cerebellum Press, 2012) Dibb, Sally, Cludia Simes and Robin Wensley, "Establishing The Scope Of Marketing Practice: Insights From Practitioners" (2014) 48 European Journal of Marketing Foxall, Gordon, Strategic Marketing Management (RLE Marketing) (Taylor and Francis, 2014) Mullins, John W and Orville C Walker, Marketing Management (McGraw-Hill, 2013) Ogden, Lesley Evans, "Chocolate's Dark Secrets" (2014) 224 New Scientist Proctor, Tony, Strategic Marketing (Taylor and Francis, 2014) Rego, Lopo L., Neil A. Morgan and Claes Fornell, "Reexamining The Market ShareCustomer Satisfaction Relationship" (2013) 77 Journal of Marketing
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