Monday, January 27, 2020
Development Of Clinic Management System Computer Science Essay
Development Of Clinic Management System Computer Science Essay Nowadays most of the clinic in Malaysia is using semi-systematic software to handle their daily activities. Doctor still need to write the symptom and prescription manually using paper and pen hence pass it to nurse for further process like recording, preparing and payment. This project known as ClinicOn is to develop a Clinic Management System exclusively designed to help all kind of clinic including traditional Chinese medicine clinic and western medicine clinic. ClinicOn offers modules for management of client information including history, Doctors appointments, administrative activities, billing and report. User will able to acces to different level of content based on the types of user log in. there are 3 types of user in the system which is doctor, staff and administrator. Doctor is valid to edit all the information of the user and access to database. Staffs are just able to edit the information of patients and store. Besides that, doctor is able to write prescription on the system while staffs are not allowed. Lastly, the administrator is able to log in too get full control on the system and edit the content and index in the database. Apart from the standard features of other clinic management software, ClinicOn is develop by considering the end user in mind. ClinicOns ease of use, multiuser functionality and manageability are exemplary compared to other. This system will be written in Java language using NetBean and the data will handle by a database in order to ensure all the clients can share the information or data that store in the server. The database will be created using MySQL language and will use the MySQL Connector/J in order to build the java application that can interact with MySQL. The fully systematic software will able to benefits doctors, staffs and clients. Doctors are able to get benefits from this system because the manual activities like writing the patients prescription no longer needed. Patient also will gain advantages from this system because they do not have to spend more time on the process. Objectives No Objectives Date of Completion 1 To perform background study on existing clinic management system and the daily process for clinic. To understand a clinics management process and find out the problem for the process. 13 May 2010 2. To determine a few possible solutions for the existing problem in the existing system and existing process. To come out with a report illustrating the best approaches to solves existing problems. 15 May 2010 3. To perform background study on similar clinic management system and compare the features between those systems. To determine the benefits and limitation of the similar system and produce a study report based on the study. 17 May 2010 4. To perform literature review on technologies and software that suitable for system development. To generate a report on suitable technologies that use to develop the system. 21 May 2010 5. To perform system analysis and determine the system requirements that need to be included in the new system. To generate a series of system analysis report and features in the system. 2 June 2010 6. To design the overall flow of the new system based on fact-finding from system analysis phase. To build the logical model and flow chart. 13 June 2010 7. To develop a fully functional system by using suitable development technologies and software. To create Clinicon Clinic Management System. 18 June 2010 8. To perform testing on the system and solve the possible problem, bugs. To ensure the system is working perfectly and error-free. 1 July 2010 9. To evaluate the system and gather users feedback. To come out a evaluation report about the system and future enhancement. 7 July 2010 10 To document the completed system. To create a complete documentation on the system. 9 July 2010 System requirement Hardware requirement Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirements Intel Pentium III processor or equivalent Processor Intel Dual-Core processor or equivalent 128 MB Memory 1GB 50 MB of free disk space Hard Disk 100 MB of free disk space CD-ROM Drive Optical Drive DVD-ROM Drive LCD Monitor with minimum resolution of 1024 x 768 Display Devices Widescreen LCD Monitor with minimum resolution of 1280 x 800 Mouse and Keyboard Input Devices Mouse and Keyboard Integrated Graphics Graphics Processing Unit Nvidia GeForce 6 series or above ATI Radeon HD 2 series or above 10/100 Network Interface Card Network Devices 10/100/1000 Network Interface Card Broadband or dial-up internet access Internet Connectivity Broadband or dial-up internet access Normal Printer Miscellaneous Color Inkjet Printer Software Requirements: Operating System Microsoft Windows XP SP 2 and above. Mac OS X 10.5.5 and above. Ubuntu Linux(Any versions) Java Runtime Environment Java SE Runtime Environment 6 and above. Students Signature Supervisors Signature ____________________ _______________________ Date: Date: Chapter 1: Background Study Introduction This chapter provides an introduction to and outline of the rest of the background study. This chapter made a background study on 2 existing similar system to define the advantages, disadvantages of those system. the advantages will be taken and disadvantages will be avoid to create a better version of ClinicOn Clinic Management system. The similar system that chooses to analysis are Vet Sys DB-Clinic Management System and Health Watch Pro Clinic Management system. This two system are free ware that used by small size clinic and popular with the simple and efficient function. Study on general clinic operation system and process. 1.2.1General operating process of clinic. The general operating process for small size clinic nowadays is most on manual and very troublesome. When the patient process to the clinic, the nurse and staff have request patients name or patient identification card number in order to get the full records of the patient. The patients records is stored manually by alphabets from A-Z or the years of birth of the patient according to the patient identification card number. After the records of patient is found, the nurse will put the patient records in the waiting place and wait for the doctor to attend the patient. If the patient is new and never visit the clinic before, the nurses will present the patient a registration form. After patient completely fill in the registration form, nurse will fill in the new patient to a new patient records form and lastly put the patient records into waiting place. The doctor will get the patient records that in the waiting place and start diagnosis the patient. the patient records will contain all information that needed by the doctor. after the doctor consult the patient, the doctor have to write prescription and decide the medicine for the patients. The prescription and medicine name will write in a paper manually. After the doctor finish consults the patient, the patient records which included the newest prescription will be hands up to nurse or staff to collect the medicine and lastly payment process will be conducted. Nurses have to record down the medicine that sole and deduce manually from the total of the medicine records. After the payment, the patient records will be placed according to categories either by alphabets or Identification card number. The nurse will be able to get the patient records easily every time the patient visits the clinic again. 1.2.2 Problem of existing general clinic management system The process above is wasted lots of time. The time will be taken a lots when a nurse need to record the patients information from the patient registration form lastly just can put the patient in the waiting place. It is wasted time by doing the same things in two times. Besides that, lots of time also be used up when a nurse want to search a patient through categories by categories manually. after the doctor finish the prescription nurse have to reduce the total amount of the medicine manually from the medicine record and lastly payment by type in the total and required information for the payment receipt. Beside of wasting the time, it also require large physical storage to store all the hard copy patients records, employee records, medicine records and others. 1.2.3 Solution Functional features and nonfunctional features. 1.3 Summary of Background Study Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This chapter led the author to determine the suitable technologies that available that will be used to create the ClinicOn Clinic Management System. In this chapter, the author had made some studies on Programming language like java and C++, the developing software like JCreator, Visual Basic and NetBean. Beside that there are also some comparison between those studies and thus define the benefits and limitation of each technologies. After the studies, the author had chose the best and suitable technologies and software to develop the ClinicOn Clinic Management System. 1.3 Study on similar system 1.3.1 Vet Sys DB- Clinic Management System User Interface and process (printscreen of major features) Pros and Cons of the system 1.3.2 Health Watch Pro Clinic Management System User Interface and process() Pros and Cons of the system 2.2 Study on suitable Technologies 2.2.1 Programming Language Advantages of using C++ Limitation of using C++ 2 Platform, standard edition 6 Advantages of using java of using java 2.2.2 Study on suitable development Software JCreator Advantages of JCreator Disadvantages of JCreator Advantages of NetBean Disadvantages of NetBean 2.2.3 Study on suitable database Management System (DBMS) Microsoft Access 2007 2.3 Client server architecture 2.3.1What is Client Server Architecture 2.3.2 What is the advantage Chapter 3: System Analysis 3.1 Introduction 4.1 Fact finding techniques 4.1.1 User requirements 4.1.2 Observation 3.2 system requirement 3.3 Use case diagram 4.3 Logical Models 4.3.1 Class Diagram 4.3.2 relationship for Class Diagram 4.4 Flowcharts 4.4.1 Overall Flowchart 4.4.2 Login Module Flowchart 4.4.3 Password Recovery Flowchart 4.4.4 Main Module Flowchart 4.4.5 Performance Flowchart 4.4.6 Time Improvement Process Measured(maximum) Average Time Used Without ClicnicOn Expected Time used With CLinicOn Intake Process 25Mins 5Mins Patient Waiting Time(according to the number of patient waiting) 20Mins 10 Mins Clinic Services 30 Mins 20mins Payment 20 mins 5 Mins Total Time in clinic 95 mins 40 mins Chapter 4: System Design 4.1 System Layouts 4.2 System Design Features Chapter 5 : Development tools 5.1 JCreator 5.1.1 Advantages 5.1.2 Disadvantages 5.1 Netbeans 5.1.2 Advantages 5.1.3 Disadvantages 5.2Netbeans IDE vs Jcreator 5.2 MySQL Query Brower vs Command Prompt Chapter 6 System Development Chapter 7 : System Testing 7.1 Performance testing 7.2 Error handling testing 7.2 compatibility testing 7.4 security testing Chapter 8 system Evaluation Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Result System output User interface System engine Summary of system evaluation Chapter 8 conclusion Chapter 9 references Chapter 10 appendixes A Gantt Chart B1 Project Monitoring Report C sample of Questionaire Form D Sample of Evaluation Form E Print Screen F Source Code
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Symbolism of the Forest in the Scarlet Letter
Symbolism of the Forest in The Scarlet Letter In The House of Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote, â€Å"For what other dungeon is so dark as one’s own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one’s self! †Hawthorne asserts that every individual becomes a hostage of his or her own heart. This idea is displayed throughout The Scarlet Letter to portray how Puritans lived under the constant repression of the Puritan society. Puritan society lived by laws that allowed no means of freedom or happiness and kept their citizens under a strict moral law code.The Puritan civilization imprisons members of society to the point where they are crying out for freedom. Therefore, hostages of his or her own heart embark on a journey to free themselves. This is displayed continuously in The Scarlet Letter through its use of the forest. In the novel the forest consists of multiple meanings. It serves as another world apart from the Puritan society, and it provides a haven in w hich people break free from the social order.Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne presents the forest as a symbolic figure to exemplify free will, bring forth the natural personalities of the characters, and to represent a dark civilization within the Puritan society. First, the forest is a symbol to epitomize free will in The Scarlet Letter by presenting the forest as a safe haven with no rules or individuals who scrutinize every action being made. Thus, the townspeople approach the forest to reign free with their desires and longings.For example, Hester longs to meet Dimmesdale and determines that the forest is the safest place as she is allowed to meet with him without the town knowing. As Hester and Dimmesdale greet each other, â€Å"†¦it was like the first encounter, in the world beyond the grave, of two spirits who had been intimately connected in their former life, but now stood coldly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hawthorne 198). For the first time in seven years they a re able to meet with each other in private without needing to worry about being caught. Surrounded by the twilight in the forest, Hester and Dimmesdale slowly start to open up to each other.They freely begin to talk about starting a new life with each other as a family, and Hester slowly starts to become blissful. Hawthorne’s purpose here is to display how the forest functions as a world of happiness and love, and so the forest’s role is to create a free world without any fear. The forest allows these two young lovers to freely reunite and be happy together. Where else, the rest of the novel surrounds itself in an aura of gloominess, this one scene in the novel permits Hester and Dimmesdale to be filled with love and joy.Also, during her conversation with Dimmesdale, Hester impulsively takes off the â€Å"A†upon her chest. It is the first and only time in the novel where Hester allows herself the freedom to remove the badge of shame. She â€Å"†¦heaved a long, deep sigh, in which the burden of shame and anguish departed from her spirit, oh exquisite relief! She had not known the weight, until she felt freedom! †(Hawthorne 211). The forest lets Hester choose whether she agrees with the Puritan society or if she is against it.Her action of taking the â€Å"A†off represents her choice in breaking apart from the Puritan civilization. The Puritans view the â€Å"A†as a symbol that represents what they deem to be right, and when Hester takes it off her chest she is breaking free from what society thinks about her. Hester’s courage to meet with Dimmesdale and the removal of the â€Å"A†represents how the forest exemplifies free will. Secondly, the forest also manages to bring out the natural personalities of the characters.One of the characters Hawthorne uses to demonstrate this is Pearl. To Pearl, the forest is her best friend, a place where she is truly accepted. Hawthorne states, â€Å"The truth se ems to be, however, that the mother-forest, and these wild things which it nourished, all recognized a kindred wildness in the human child†(Hawthorne 213). In the forest, Pearl can be as bright and joyful as she wishes because the forest acknowledges her for who she is- a moody, curious, care-free, innocent, and intuitive child who also happens to be a social outcast.The forest also brings out her personality because of her connection with nature. Pearl is the romantic character in the novel due to her personality traits. She enjoys life and is constantly curious about the unexplainable, such as the identity of her father and the â€Å"A†on her mother’s chest. In the forest, she is accepted as a friend by all the animals, and the light constantly chases her wherever she goes. The light represents truth and purity. It constantly surrounds Pearl because she is an innocent and also a child who had no doing in the in her parents committed. A second character who br ings forth their inner traits in the forest is Hester. Hawthorne uses the forest to give life to Hester and permits Hester to be herself again. She is first introduced as a beautiful, compassionate, and honest woman, but as the situation with the â€Å"A†becomes more grave Hester slowly starts to lose the characteristics she once possessed. After seven years of suffering humiliation and punishment, Hester covers her hair under a cap and her beauty and warmth are now hidden beneath the â€Å"A†on her chest.However upon her secret rendezvous with the reverend, Hester takes off the cap on her head and all at once the air about her gradually starts to change. She becomes the person she once was, and her â€Å"†¦ sex, her youth, her whole richness of her beauty, came back from what men call the irrevocable past, and clustered themselves, with her maiden hope, and a happiness before unknown, within the magic circle of this hour†(Hawthorne 212). She regains her sexuality, and not only does she become the person she was seven years ago, but symbolically, she removes the strict moral code of the Puritan society.Even though it is for a short period of time, the forest gives her the audacity to be herself again. The last character who brings forth their natural personality in the novel is Dimmesdale. He starts to regain himself in the forest upon his meeting with Hester, and for the first time in the novel, Dimmesdale is happy and optimistic. Just as Hester and Dimmesdale are conversing about their escape to restart their lives with Pearl, Dimmesdale begins to believe in happy endings and his concern for what society desires dissolves for a moment in the woods.The forest, in the end, brings out the natural individuality of the characters of Pearl, Hester, and Dimmesdale. Finally, the forest serves as a symbol to represent a dark civilization on the outskirts of the Puritan society. Hawthorne does this by presenting the readers with the story of the Black Man in the forest. All throughout the novel, the Black Man of the forest is mentioned at various points. The story of the Black Man represents a sense of superstition and true temptation in the novel.Pearl states that the Black Man is an interesting figure who â€Å"†¦haunts this forest, and carries a book with him- a big, heavy book, with iron claps; and how the ugly Black Man offers his book and an iron pen to everybody that meets him here among the trees†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hawthorne 193). Symbolically, the Black Man represents the devil and writing one’s name in his book indicates submission to the devil and succumbing to sin. Hawthorne uses this story to display a darker world in the Puritan society and how certain characters are playing the devil’s advocate.It presents how another world filled with evil spirits and sin lies inside the Puritan society. Another example to signify the symbolism of the forest as a dark world inside the Puritan society i s with the character of Mistress Hibbins. She is known as the sister of Governor Bellingham and as the town witch. After Hester’s meeting with the Governor, Mistress Hibbins approaches Hester and inquires if she would like to join her in the forest at night. She asks, â€Å"Wilt thou go with us tonight?There will be a merry company in the forest; and I wellnigh promised the Black man that comely Hester Prynne should make come†(Hawthorne 12). This question illustrates the wickedness and secrecy of the forest. Mistress Hibbins clearly indicates the forest as the meeting place because there are no ears to listen to them chant their magic spells and nor are there eyes in the forest to scrutinize their actions. Hawthorne uses this scene to hint that there are supernatural qualities among individuals and the town.The forest demonstrates how it symbolizes the darkness within the Puritan society by using the Black Man of the forest and Mistress Hibbins. In the end, the signif icance of the forest in The Scarlet Letter is immense. The forest represents freedom and darkness hidden inside the Puritan society. It also allows the characters to become themselves again. As Hawthorne said in The House of Seven Gables, humans are the prisoners of his or her own heart and they seek escape from it. In The Scarlet Letter, the forest was the one place where any individual was allowed the opportunity to escape.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Can Chinese Brands Make It Abroad Essay
China is known for its manufacturing due to low labor costs and supplies the world’s biggest brands. Most Chinese companies take on the role of original-equipment manufacturer (OEM). However, due to the home market being so competitive, the Chinese government now wants Chinese companies to tackle the market abroad by establishing their brands in developed countries. Currently, companies have now emerged in developed markets with products such as appliances and consumer electronics. Examples of this include Lenovo computers which have positioned itself for overseas expansion. Keijian, a mobile-telephone maker, sponsors one of England’s top soccer teams to build brand recognition. The way in which Samsung achieved this was acquiring basic product-development skills through joint ventures and more than 50 technology-licensing agreements. On establishing their brand in the US, Samsung discounted their products to target price-sensitive customers. Slowly it learned the requirements of its markets by conducting extensive market research, building sales overseas and manufacturing operations in the US, Germany, the UK and Australia. They also increased R&D budgets which allowed them to invest in products and technologies that would raise their brand profile. China competes against the world’s best electronic products in features, quality and price. Furthermore, its low labor costs make Chinese goods less expensive. Also, China has a large growing pool of skilled engineers and money to invest in new products. By products alone, it is safe to say that China can establish themselves abroad, however, developing the right marketing strategy for branded goods is key. Branding Before, consumers were reluctant to buy good from Japan or Korea in fear of quality issues and now China is experiencing the same issue. The Chinese companies most likely to succeed are those which have a track record in low-cost, high-quality manufacturing and show marketing skill on a local level. Haier has built factories in the US which they believe the added expense of producing goods there is outweighed by the ability to respond quickly to changes in the market. OEM Cost, quality leadership, acquiring the need technology and capabilities and the ability to support a number of global customers are the key success actors in the OEM model. Low costs must be accompanied by excellent skills in supply chain management and sourcing. Manufacturers for OEM customers target those who want lower manufacturing costs but not ready to set up operations in China. Channels – Step by step approach Retailers are looking for distinct brands and products. They may also be interested in deals with Chinese companies who supply products on an exclusive basis. Shelf space is also expensive and the competition for it can be intense. SVA has transformed itself, focusing on high-end plasma TVs, TFT-LCD displays and DLP projection TVs. It also mass-produces quality products at a low cost. The company took a step by step approach to success: 1. Relying largely on distributors that offer promotion and service assistance to manufacturers. This gave the company a chance to learn about the US market. 2. Working with distributors on trade-level promotional activities including attendance at industry conferences rather than spending millions to build brand awareness. Distributors find SVA attractive because it can offer customers low-cost products, a factor that’s important to small and midsize electronic retails that compete with big retailers like Wal-Mart. 3. Avoid low-end color TV market where it would be up against other Chinese companies selling on an OEM basis. They instead focused on upmarket products where the market is growing and there is little rivalry from other Chinese companies. 4. Recruited US-based executives to whom they gave an equity stake in the venture and hired Japanese ex-Sony production man agers to help control its manufacturing quality. It’s also working with international firms to improve design. Taking this model to Europe may prove a little trickier due to Europeans being more conscious of brands and quality. Channels – Buying your way in An alternative is buying into the market through mergers and acquisitions. Suitable targets would have valuable assets, brands, customer bases, technology or channels. A buyer could move the bulk of the acquired company’s production to China while retaining the brand name, distribution channels and some of the local talent. Over time, it could co-brand the product with its own name to build customer awareness of its Chinese brand. Once this is established, the buyer could phase out the target brand. The biggest obstacle is locating qualified turnaround managers. TCL International Holdings purchased a German television maker in an attempt to tap into the European market. Included in the acquisition was Schneider’s plants, distribution network of chain stores, hypermarket, mail order and trademark rights to a series of brands. Some Schneider employees were also rehired to oversee production. TCL is also using the Schneider brand to position its mobile telephones in the high-end segment of the Chinese market.
Friday, January 3, 2020
What Is Derived Demand Definition and Examples
Derived demand is a term in economics that describes the demand for a certain good or service resulting from a demand for related, necessary goods or services. For example, the demand for large-screen televisions creates a derived demand for home theater products such as audio speakers, amplifiers, and installation services. Key Takeaways: Derived Demand Derived demand is a market demand for a good or service that results from a demand for a related good or service.Derived demand has three distinct components: raw materials, processed materials, and labor.Together, these three components create the chain of derived demand. Derived demand exists only when a separate market exists for both related goods or services involved. A product or services level of derived demand has a significant impact on the market price of that product or service. Derived demand differs from regular demand, which is simply the quantity of a certain good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a given price at a certain point in time. Under the theory of regular demand, a product’s price is based on â€Å"whatever the marketâ€â€meaning consumersâ€â€will bear.†Components of Derived Demand Derived demand can be broken down into three main elements: raw materials, processed materials, and labor. These three components create what economists call the chain of derived demand. Raw Materials Raw or â€Å"unprocessed†materials are the elemental products used in the production of goods. For example, crude oil is a raw material in the production of petroleum products, such as gasoline. The level of derived demand for a certain raw material is directly related to and dependent on the level of demand for the final good to be produced. For example, when the demand for new homes is high, the demand for harvested lumber will be high. Raw materials, like wheat and corn or often called commodities. Processed Materials Processed materials are goods that have been refined or otherwise assembled from raw materials. Paper, glass, gasoline, milled lumber, and peanut oil are some examples of processed materials. Labor The production of goods and the provision of services requires workersâ€â€labor. The level of demand for labor depends solely on the level of demand for goods and services. Since there is no demand for a workforce without a demand for the goods it produces or the services they provide, labor is a component of derived demand. The Chain of Derived Demand The chain of derived demand refers to the flow of raw materials to processed materials to labor to end consumers. When consumers show a demand for a good, the necessary raw materials are harvested, processed, and assembled. For example, consumer demand for clothing creates a demand for fabric. To meet this demand, a raw material like cotton is harvested, then turned into processed materials by ginning, spinning, and weaving into cloth, and finally sewn into the garments purchased by the end consumers. Examples of Derived Demand The theory of derived demand is as old as commerce itself. An early example was the â€Å"pick and shovel†strategy during the California Gold Rush. When news of gold at Sutter’s Mill spread, prospectors rushed to the area. However, to get the gold from the ground, the prospectors needed picks, shovels, gold pans, and dozens of other supplies. Many historians of the era argue that the entrepreneurs who sold supplies to the prospectors saw more profits from the gold rush than the average prospectors themselves. The sudden demand for the common processed materialsâ€â€picks and shovelsâ€â€was derived from the sudden demand for the rare raw materialâ€â€gold. In a far more modern example, the demand for smartphones and similar devices has created a tremendous derived demand for lithium-ion batteries. In addition, the demand for smartphones creates a demand for other needed components like touch-sensitive glass screens, microchips, and circuit boards, as well as raw materials like gold and copper need to make those chips and circuit boards. Examples of derived demand for labor can be seen everywhere. The amazing demand for gourmet brewed coffee leads to an equally-amazing demand for gourmet coffee brewers and servers called baristas. Conversely, as the U.S. demand for coal used to generate electricity has declined, the demand for coal miners has fallen. The Economic Effects of Derived Demand Far beyond the industries, workers, and consumers directly involved, the chain of derived demand can have a ripple effect on local and even national economies. For example, custom clothing sewn by small local tailor may create a new local market for shoes, jewelry, and other high-end fashion accessories. On the national level, an increase in demand for raw materials like crude oil, lumber, or cotton, can create vast new international demand trading markets for countries that enjoy an abundance of those materials. Sources â€Å"Derived Demand.†Investopedia (June 2018).Pettinger, Tejvan. Derived Demand. Economics Help (2017).Zack. When There’s A Gold Rush Sell Picks and Shovels Hatch (2016).
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